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UDF for Mesh Motion of MRI Scan Geometry

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Old   February 15, 2019, 14:01
Default UDF for Mesh Motion of MRI Scan Geometry
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Molly Binni
Join Date: Feb 2019
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Hello CFDOnline,

I used 3D Slicer to register two different volumes and generate a displacement field with x y and z displacements into an excel file.

I tried to use mechanical to import a displacement load and have been unsuccessful, so I would like to try the UDF approach. I am new to UDF creation, though. I know I will need to use the grid motion macro.

I need to take the current mesh and deform it according to the x y and z displacements in the excel file. How do I import the displacements from the file and how do I know which nodes they map to?

Please advise if you can. Thank you for your time.
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mesh, node, udf

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