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Old   December 17, 2018, 06:29
New Member
Join Date: May 2018
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I have a problem with my UDF calculating the specific heat Cp for my mixture. Even if I take the simple example given in the manual (see below) I get an error. The initialization works fine (the Message within the UDF delivers the correct cp during initialization, also enthalpy h is not null). But when I start the simulation following error appears for every node:

Error at Node X: Non-physical Specific Heat = 0.000000e+00

DEFINE_SPECIFIC_HEAT(heat_capacity, T, Tref, h, yi)
	// Enthalpy must be set (requirement for this udf-macro by Fluent)
        real cp = 2000.0;
	*h = cp * (T - Tref);
	Message("\n T = %f\tyi_specie0 = %f\tcp = %f\th = %f\tT_ref = %f", T, yi[0], cp, *h, Tref);
	return cp;
I am using Ansys Fluent 19.2.

Another question: Why does SV_SpeciesIndex(.., ..) now needs two arguments instead of one? I used to get the index via SV_SpeciesIndex("specie0") in earlier version but somehow this isn't working anymore in 19.2.

Thank you for your help!

EDIT: Additional information: The error only occurs when I have volumetric reaction turned on, even though the mechanism is empty/the fluid phase "reaction" check box is NOT selected. Just the activated volumetric reaction model leads to getting this error. Somehow this changes the calculation of cp?

Last edited by CFDJonas; December 17, 2018 at 06:47. Reason: new information
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speciesindex, specific heat

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