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UDF-Fluent debug on Ubuntu.

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Old   November 26, 2018, 04:48
Default UDF-Fluent debug on Ubuntu.
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Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 14
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pianaCFD is on a distinguished road
Good morning,
I'm working with Ansys Fluent and the UDFs on Ubuntu. Is there an efficient way to debug a code?

I've already tried those two guides:

The point is that I can't debug my code efficiently or maybe I just don't know how to do it. For example when Fluent is giving me a segmentation fault, the gdb from terminal is just showing me 'segmentation fault' as you can see in the attachment below. So, I can't see which variable has problems. Moreover, is there a useful meaning on the number 0x00007fdada76afb7 that you can also see in the attachment?

2) [UDF compiling/debug]an integrated tool to edit/compile/debug UDF in Visual Studio
Is this tool also working on Ubuntu? I've installed it with Wine, but it seems like I can't charge my VC version and my Fluent version to run on Ubuntu.

Is there a way to debug an UDF that shows also where is the problem? Or is there a way to show where is the problem following the previous guides?

Thank you for any help.
Attached Images
File Type: png gdb_screenshoot.png (27.4 KB, 5 views)
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