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UDF for heterogenous nucleation

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Old   November 15, 2018, 10:01
Default UDF for heterogenous nucleation
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arashk is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

I am simulating a reaction in which two gases are reacting to form a solid ( A(g) + B(g) -à C(s) ) .

I tried to come up with a udf so that in each cell when the condition is met the gases react and a particle with equivalent mass of product is injected.

I have already seen a UDF for that this sort of problems but it is for surface injection (Please see the link below):

Since my reaction is happening in Volume I thought I might need a UDF for volume injection and from there I could modify it to my need.

Is there any UDF for Volume injection like what we have in beta features?

will it be possible to modify the above UDF that I have mentioned in link for volume reactions? I tried to modify it but I could not come up with a proper way of controlling the injection.

That would be a great help if anyone could kindly help me through this
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