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Linking between Ansys Fluent and Microsoft Visual Studio

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Old   August 3, 2018, 05:12
Default Linking between Ansys Fluent and Microsoft Visual Studio
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aja1345 is on a distinguished road
Hi, I am a beginner at UDF and I want to know UDF. But in Net, I see that many users have great problems in linking between Ansys Fluent and Microsoft Visual Studio. Why does this happen?

My system consists of the following:
-Window 10 x64 interprise
-ANSYS Fluent 17 x64

What version of Microsoft Visual Studio should I use until I don't face with problem?
What steps should I follow until I don't face with problem?

I am grateful that guide me in these cases.
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Old   September 10, 2018, 22:11
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 164
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gearboy is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by aja1345 View Post
Hi, I am a beginner at UDF and I want to know UDF. But in Net, I see that many users have great problems in linking between Ansys Fluent and Microsoft Visual Studio. Why does this happen?

My system consists of the following:
-Window 10 x64 interprise
-ANSYS Fluent 17 x64

What version of Microsoft Visual Studio should I use until I don't face with problem?
What steps should I follow until I don't face with problem?

I am grateful that guide me in these cases.
We recommend you use the UDF compiling/debugging tool that auto links Fluent and Visual studio. Needn't worry about how to set up the compiling environment any more.
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