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Error in UDF calling parameters from ANSYS WorkBench

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Old   April 6, 2018, 20:52
Default Error in UDF calling parameters from ANSYS WorkBench
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Purdue University, IN, USA.
Posts: 59
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anand32 will become famous soon enough
Hi Everyone

I require some help .

I am simulating FSI in ANSYS WorkBench for fluid flow inside a micro-tube. The velocity boundary condition at inlet is a fully developed flow corresponding to a particular flow rate. This boundary condition is realized by writing a UDF while the flow rate is passed on to the FLUENT as a parameter from WorkBench. (The UDF is attached).
1. When I run the simulation in Windows, I "interpret" the UDF and it works fine.
2. However, when I transfer files to a Linux machine, then interpreter gives error: cpp: output pipe has been closed.
3. I found from internet that compiling the file (as opposed to interpreting it) will solve the problem.
4. However, I am a little lost on how to compile a udf which takes parameters from the WorkBench. Should the source file be compiled at every design point (because at every design point, the value of the parameter changes). Or should the compilation be done only one? And where should the source file be kept actually? Do I need to take into account anything else, considering that I need to run on parallel nodes.
Please advice.
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