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Warning message C4133 while compiling

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Old   October 2, 2017, 12:44
Default Warning message C4133 while compiling
New Member
Stefan Holl
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 1
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Arminius is on a distinguished road

I've got the following udf code for a udrgm

#include "udf.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "ctype.h"
#include "stdarg.h"
#define MW 28.966 /* molec. wt. for single gas (kg/kmol) */
#define b 0.001265 /* covolume term for single gas (m^3/kg) */
/* b = R * T_crit / ( 8 * p_crit ) */
#define CC1_cold 1048.71
#define CC2_cold -0.383871
#define CC3_cold 0.945559e-3
#define CC4_cold -0.548647e-6
#define CC5_cold 0.0790677e-9
#define CC1_hot 873.949
#define CC2_hot 0.384069
#define CC3_hot -0.140147e-3
#define CC4_hot 0.0245553e-6
#define CC5_hot -1.63649e-12
/* Reference State: */
#define P_DAT 101325.0 /*Referencepressure*/
#define T_DAT 288.15 /*Referencetemp*/
static int (*usersMessage)(char *,...);
static void (*usersError)(char *,...);
static double cp_datum_ref;
/************************************************** *******************/
/* Thermodynamic functions: */
/************************************************** *******************/
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_error */
/* this is a dummy function to allow us */
/* to use the compiled UDFs utility */
void ANEOS_error(int err, char *f, char *msg)
if (err)
usersError("ANEOS_error (%d) from function: %s\n%s\n",err,f,msg);
/* Compute some constants */
void ANEOS_setup(Domain *domain, cxboolean vapor_phase, char *filename,
int (*messagefunc)(char *format, ...),
void (*errorfunc)(char *format, ...))
cp_datum_ref = CC1_cold*log(T_DAT) + T_DAT*(CC2_cold
+ T_DAT*(0.5*CC3_cold+ T_DAT*(0.333333*CC4_cold +

usersMessage = messagefunc;
usersError = errorfunc;
usersMessage("\nLoading Real-Ideal Library: %s\n", filename);
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_density */
/* Returns density given T and press */
double ANEOS_density(cxboolean vapor_phase, double Temp, double press, double yi[])
double rho = 1. / ( (rgas*Temp/press) + b );
return rho; /* (kg/m^3) */
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_H_ideal_gas */
/* Returns ideal gas specific enthalpy for a given T */
double ANEOS_H_ideal_gas(double Temp)
double Ho = 0.0;
if (Temp<=1000)
Ho = Temp*(CC1_cold + Temp*(0.5*CC2_cold
+ Temp*(0.333333*CC3_cold+ Temp*(0.25*CC4_cold
+ Temp*0.2*CC5_cold))));
if (Temp>1000)
Ho = Temp*(CC1_hot + Temp*(0.5*CC2_hot+ Temp*(0.333333*CC3_hot
+ Temp*(0.25*CC4_hot + Temp*0.2*CC5_hot))));
return Ho;
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_cp_ideal */
/* Returns specific heat at a given T, assuming ideal gas */
double ANEOS_cp_ideal(double Temp)
double cpo = 0.0;
if (Temp<=1000)
cpo = CC1_cold + Temp*(CC2_cold + Temp*(CC3_cold
+ Temp*(CC4_cold + Temp * CC5_cold)));
if (Temp>1000)
cpo = CC1_hot + Temp*(CC2_hot + Temp*(CC3_hot
+ Temp*(CC4_hot + Temp * CC5_hot)));
return cpo; /* (J/kg-K) */
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_specific_heat */
/* Returns specific heat at a given T */
double ANEOS_specific_heat(double Temp, double rho, double P, double yi[])
double cp, ANEOS_cp_ideal(Temp);
cp = ANEOS_cp_ideal(Temp);
return cp; /* (J/Kg-K) */
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_enthalpy */
/* Returns specific enthalpy given T and rho */
double ANEOS_enthalpy(double Temp, double rho, double P, double yi[])
double delta_h,press,v,h, ANEOS_H_ideal_gas(Temp);
v = 1.0 / rho;
press = rgas * Temp / (v - b);
delta_h = press*b;
h = ANEOS_H_ideal_gas(Temp)+delta_h;
return h; /* (J/Kg) */
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_entropy */
/* Returns entropy given T and rho */
ANEOS_entropy(double Temp, double rho, double P, double yi[])
double delta_s,v,vo,s;
double cp_integral = 0.0;
if (Temp<=1000)
cp_integral = CC1_cold*log(Temp) + Temp*(CC2_cold
+ Temp*(0.5*CC3_cold+ Temp*(0.333333*CC4_cold
+ 0.25*CC5_cold*Temp)))- cp_datum_ref;
if (Temp>1000)
cp_integral = CC1_hot*log(Temp) + Temp*(CC2_hot
+ Temp*(0.5*CC3_hot+ Temp*(0.333333*CC4_hot
+ 0.25*CC5_hot*Temp)))- cp_datum_ref;
v = 1.0 / rho;
vo = rgas*Temp/P_DAT;
delta_s = rgas*log((v-b)/vo);
s = delta_s + cp_integral; /* (J/kg) */
return s;
/* Returns molecular weight */
double ANEOS_mw(double yi[])
return MW; /* (Kg/Kmol) */
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_speed_of_sound */
/* Returns s.o.s given T and rho */
double ANEOS_speed_of_sound(double Temp, double rho, double P, double yi[])
double cp = ANEOS_specific_heat(Temp, rho, P, yi);
double v = 1./rho;
double c = (v/(v-b))*sqrt(cp*rgas*Temp/(cp-rgas));
return c; /* (m/s) */
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_viscosity */
/* Viscosity via 3-coefficient Sutherland Law */
double ANEOS_viscosity(double Temp, double rho, double P, double yi[])
double mu = 0.0;
double mu_Sutherland = 1.7894e-05;
double T_Sutherland = 273.11;
double S_Sutherland = 110.56;
mu = mu_Sutherland * ( pow( (Temp/T_Sutherland),1.5) )
* (T_Sutherland + S_Sutherland) / (Temp + S_Sutherland);
return mu; /* (Kg/m-s) */
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_thermal_conductivity */
/* Euckun formula */
double ANEOS_thermal_conductivity(double Temp, double rho, double P, double yi[])
double cp,mu,k;
cp = ANEOS_specific_heat(Temp, rho, P, yi);
mu = ANEOS_viscosity(Temp, rho, P, yi);
k = (cp+1.25*rgas)*mu;
return k; /* (W/m-K) */
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_rho_t */
/* Returns derivative of rho wrt. T at constant p */
double ANEOS_rho_t(double Temp, double rho, double P, double yi[])
double press,v,rho_t;
v = 1.0 / rho;
press = rgas*Temp/(v - b);
rho_t = -rgas/(press*v*v);
return rho_t; /* (Kg/m^3-K) */
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_rho_p */
/* Returns derivative of rho wrt. p at constant T */
double ANEOS_rho_p(double Temp, double rho, double P, double yi[])
double press,v,rho_p;
v = 1.0 / rho;
press = rgas*Temp/(v - b);
rho_p = rgas*Temp/(press*press*v*v);
return rho_p; /* (Kg/m^3-Pa) */
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_enthalpy_t */
/* Returns derivative of h wrt. T at constant p, which */
/* equals cp */
double ANEOS_enthalpy_t(double Temp, double rho, double P, double yi[])
double cp;
cp = ANEOS_specific_heat(Temp, rho, P, yi);
return cp;
/* FUNCTION: ANEOS_enthalpy_p */
/* returns derivative of h wrt. p at constant T; */
double ANEOS_enthalpy_p(double Temp, double rho, double P, double yi[])
return b;
/************************************************** ********************/
/* Actual UDF hook (macro) into the User Defined Real Gas Model: */
/************************************************** ********************/
/* Export real gas functions to the solver: */
UDF_EXPORT RGAS_Functions RealGasFunctionList=
ANEOS_setup, /* initialize */
ANEOS_density, /* density */
ANEOS_enthalpy, /* enthalpy */
ANEOS_entropy, /* entropy */
ANEOS_specific_heat, /* specific_heat */
ANEOS_mw, /* molecular_weight */
ANEOS_speed_of_sound, /* speed_of_sound */
ANEOS_viscosity, /* viscosity */
ANEOS_thermal_conductivity, /* thermal_conductivity */
ANEOS_rho_t, /* drho/dT |const p */
ANEOS_rho_p, /* drho/dp |const T */
ANEOS_enthalpy_t, /* dh/dT |const p */
ANEOS_enthalpy_p, /* dh/dp |const T */

Does anybody know, how I can get rid of the warning message:
warning C4133: "Initialization": Incompatible types - from "int (*)(double,double,double,double *)" to "double (*)(double,double,double,double *)" ??

Thanks in advance!

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udf - warning c4133

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