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Simulation of single particle impact on the substrate

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Old   April 10, 2017, 08:56
Default Simulation of single particle impact on the substrate
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kr660170 is on a distinguished road
Hello Friends,
I am currently doing simulation of single particle impact on the substrate. I would like to do more particles say 100 nos, but for that i need to create and patch 100 region, which i don't want to do it.
I would like to know how can i patch 100 region, instead of creating a 100 region. For ex: I would like to enter in numbers say 100, rather than creating a 100 region. Please help me with this problem.
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Old   April 25, 2017, 09:49
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings Karthik and welcome to the forum!

I've moved your 2 posts to a new thread and deleted the repeated post.

If I understand you correctly, you are trying to inject 100 particles through an inlet patch?

If this is what you are trying to do, see the tutorial case "lagrangian/MPPICFoam/injectionChannel", specifically in the file "constant/kinematicCloudProperties", you will find this block (I'm looking at the tutorial in OpenFOAM 4.x, same as in 4.1):
            type            patchInjection;
            parcelBasisType fixed;
            patchName       lowerInlet;
            U0              (18.7939 6.8404 0);
            nParticle       1;
            parcelsPerSecond 1390885;
                type        normal;
                    expectation 650e-6;
                    variance 25e-6;
                    minValue 500e-6;
                    maxValue 800e-6;
            flowRateProfile constant 1;
            massTotal       0;
            SOI 0;
            duration 60;
If you change the parameters "parcelsPerSecond" and "duration" to your desired values, you should be able to control the frequency of how the 100 particles are injected.

Best regards,
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Old   April 25, 2017, 17:15
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Hallo Bruno,
Thank you very much for your reply. But i want to interprete the coding file in ansys fluent 17.2. For example i have attached the viscosity coding file using UDF (User defined functions) manual

/************************************************** *******************
UDF for specifying a temperature-dependent viscosity property
************************************************** ********************/

#include "udf.h"

DEFINE_PROPERTY(viscosity, cell, thread)
real mu;
real temp = C_T(cell, thread);
if (temp < 2973)
mu = 1e+3;
mu = 1.91e-3;

return mu;

Like this can you send me UDF file to do 100 patches. For ex: i want to write a code for particle that comes for each sec. (one sec = one particle) and perform till 60 secs. I am working on the Atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) topic. In general when you spray numerous molten liquid particles comes out from spray and hits on the substrate and gets solidified instantly. I am doing this on Ansys fluent 17.2. It would be great if you send me coding file using UDF. Thanks again for your reply.
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Old   April 25, 2017, 19:39
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Bruno Santos
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Wait... what? Then why did you ask about this on the OpenFOAM forums?

The correct place to ask about this is in the Fluent UDF sub-forum here:

Anyway, I've moved this thread to that sub-forum now, hopefully someone there will answer to your question.
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