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THREAD_NAME() -> the mistery function

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Old   March 2, 2017, 09:42
Question THREAD_NAME() -> the mistery function
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 43
Rep Power: 14
twcp0104 is on a distinguished road

So, there exists this function (or is it called a macro, I'm never sure) called THREAD_NAME(). If you include it in your code, it compiles no problem:

char name=THREAD_NAME(t);

unfortunately it doesn't give you any result. I've tried a few different ways to make it work, with no luck. It is not in the manual either. But it would be really super useful to me.

Has anybody gotten this to work? Can anybody give me ideas of how to make it work? Your help is infinitely appreciated.

P.S.: I need to be able to get the zone names, so I can compare them to presets. That way, when I make the mesh, I'll give certain names to certain regions and the code can pick the right ones through that. Otherwise I have to play detective every time, looking at which zone is adjacent to the inlet, outlet and porous jump and so on, and for more complex geometries it might not be possible to distinguish the zones I need
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