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Velocity profile UDf

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Old   August 15, 2016, 11:17
Default Velocity profile UDf
New Member
Erik Jan
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 7
Rep Power: 10
ejpostema is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

I am quite new to this, but I did a lot of research and as far as I know there are no real examples to find overhere.

Anyway, my goal is to write an UDF that will calculate a 3d velocity profile derived from MRI. Per hart beat I have 30 velocity profiles available in a 17x14 matrix. looking quite similar to this:

I am wondering how I should approach to calculate the velocity profile within fluent. Currently I am thinking of using bilinear interpolation to interpolete between the datapoints.

I don't know how fluent loops over the inlet boundary. e.g. I have no clue how to match a face at the inlet to the (interpolated) value within the matrix.

Can anyone steer me into the correct direction?

my raw data are 30 matrices that look like the one below

0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
0	0	0	0	0	0	0	21	47	37	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
0	0	0	0	0	30	21	36	53	35	33	45	76	0	0	0	0
0	0	0	0	59	55	46	49	59	60	50	38	50	29	0	0	0
0	0	0	53	62	71	77	80	78	69	57	47	35	18	64	0	0
0	0	56	67	70	83	103	110	96	76	61	54	48	33	29	0	0
0	0	52	76	86	99	113	114	100	85	74	66	60	59	45	24	0
0	38	51	73	95	112	117	109	99	91	85	74	64	62	44	12	0
0	57	57	67	88	112	120	111	102	97	90	74	54	46	40	0	0
0	65	65	63	77	101	113	106	105	105	93	71	47	38	58	0	0
0	0	63	57	66	87	96	91	96	98	78	58	48	46	0	0	0
0	0	52	47	53	69	78	72	75	77	55	36	45	0	0	0	0
0	0	0	0	36	40	54	50	46	63	69	41	0	0	0	0	0
0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
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