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how to simulate a "continuous" boundary in 2D fluent using UDF?

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Old   April 28, 2016, 07:08
Default how to simulate a "continuous" boundary in 2D fluent using UDF?
Peter Aestas
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 64
Rep Power: 13
aestas is on a distinguished road
Hi everybody,

recently i have been working on a problem. The model is in the picture below.
i am trying to simulate a "continuous" heating in 2D. The heat source periodically moves from the left side to right side, and most important of all, the wall of the left side and the right side should be continuous(which is like periodically heating on a ring-shaped zone.)

The method i have tried is:
To simulate a "continuous" boundary, i try to set the face temperature of the left side and the right side to be the same by using DEFINE_ADJUST and DEFINE_PROFILE.
1. first i used DEFINE_ADJUST to get the temperature on both sides, and store them to to arrays, l_temp[],and r_temp
2. i compare the temperature of the corresponding positions on both size and choose the higher one, and store them to another arrays. T_profile
3. Using DEFINE_PROFILE Macro,set T_profile to be the boundary conditions on both sides. (set the wall boundary condition to be temperature)

i also tried heat flux as the wall boundary condition
(set flux=( l_temp-r_temp)/h), h is the mesh width for each cell.

The result:
By the boundary condition setting above, the right and left side were still not so "continues", especially when the heat source moved to the boundary(the temperature of cells near the left and right side are quite smaller with other part of the model).

Do you have any better ideas to achieve this?
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