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Creating Custom Upwind Schemes for Compressible Flows

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Old   October 10, 2015, 14:04
Smile Creating Custom Upwind Schemes for Compressible Flows
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Join Date: Feb 2015
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skewness abyss is on a distinguished road
Hello all,

I am trying to model supersonic flow over a cylindrical base using the density based solver with the DES turbulence model. For LES and hybrid LES/RANS models, the central difference (CD), bounded central difference (BCD), or some other scheme with a low amount of numerical dissipation is used to calculate the convective terms in the governing equations. For the density based solver, neither CD or BCD is offered and as a result, I do not see any turbulent structures in my domain, even when using the 3rd order MUSCL scheme.

When I switched to the pressure based solver, I was able to use BCD and compute turbulent structures using the same setup as when I ran the case using the density solver. However, I would like to simulate Higher Mach number flows which would make pressure solver inappropriate.

Since I am forced to use the density solver to compute this flow for higher Mach numbers, I was wondering if it was possible to use custom schemes with a low amount of dissipation to compute the convective terms using a UDF. If so, I would greatly appreciate any general advice that can help me get started. Thanks in advance.
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compressible flow, des, upwind schemes

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