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UDF Dynamic Meshing for Rotation and Translation

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Old   August 4, 2015, 00:57
Post UDF Dynamic Meshing for Rotation and Translation
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Aidan Holt
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I'm learning how to use UDF's in order to set up a transient solver within fluent to test for dynamics involved with a morphing wing in between steady state solutions/morphing.

I am beginning with a simple 2D case and trying to learn how to rotate and translate basic objects in 2D (before progressing to 3D). I am trying to simulate the rotating cylinder to achieve lift and have attached the following UDF which should be able to define the rotational motion about the z-axis. (Source:

/************************************************** *********************
UDF for rotation of cylinder
************************************************** **********************/

# include "udf.h"
DEFINE_CG_MOTION ( rotation_udf_45 , dt , vel , omega , time , dtime )
real pi = 3.141592;
real omega_constant = 45* pi /180;
omega [2] = omega_constant ;

However after interpreting my UDF and applying it to the cylinder (zone 8) within the Dynamic Mesh menu bar it says:

"Warning: incorrect cg motion UDF rotation_udf_45 on zone 8 (assuming no motion). "

Indeed there is no motion occurring when the preview mesh motion is selected. How can I solve this problem?
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Old   August 5, 2015, 07:50
Default Still very stuck, I'm sure there's a simple solution!
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Aidan Holt
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I've been reading up and it seems a common mistake for UFD beginners like myself. What I have read is:

You need to 'compile' a define_CG UFD before being able making it usable within dynamic mesher.

Although I can build/compile the above UDF, another error appears saying the libudf is unable to be used for parallel use on Windows 64x. So I tried reopening my setup process in fluent using a 'serial' instead and I get the following error:

Error: The UDF library you are trying to load (C:\Transient Analysis_files\dp0\FFF\Fluent\libudf) is not compiled for 2ddp on the current platform (win64).

Thankyou kind CFDonline people in Advance!
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Old   August 17, 2015, 00:39
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This problem arises due to problems in installation of Visual studio. In addition to that you should have correct combination of Fluent version and Visual Studio version.
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dynamic mesh, fluent - udf, motion dynamicmesh, transient, udf

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