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DEFINE_PROFILE ans "specific coordinates"

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Old   July 22, 2015, 14:40
Default DEFINE_PROFILE ans "specific coordinates"
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Join Date: Jun 2015
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Leb is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

It seems that I can set "specific coordinates" in DEFINE_GRID_MOTION (I'm not sure if fluent interpolates, or actually shifts the y AND x values of a node or just interpolates, but it seems to work.

My question is: can I specify the x and y position for my u and v velocities using DEFINE_PROFILE ? (from what I've read on the forum, it seems I would need a separate udf for each velocity component (which is a bit annoying)), but am not sure if I can specify a "specific coordinate"...

Just to clarify why I want to ask about this. Say I have real data at some known values of x and y. I could since I might need to adjust my simulation mesh, it can get tedious reading the x,y values of the face/cell centroids and then interpolate the real data to that using something else (pyhton or matlab or whatever). If, however, Fluent would be able to cope with a reasonable data input (say within bounds of the mesh geometry) then it would save me much time.

Last edited by Leb; July 22, 2015 at 15:38. Reason: Clarification added
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