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span-wise averaging

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Old   June 4, 2015, 18:43
Default span-wise averaging
Senior Member
Ehsan Asgari
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 473
Rep Power: 18
syavash is on a distinguished road
Hello mates,

I have developed a UDF which is able to perform span-wise averaging in the homogenous direction. It can be handy in LES or DNS simulation if one would want to plot span-wise averaged streamlines. Note that this UDF only works if there is already a time-averaged solution (Data sampling checked).

Domain *d = Get_Domain(1);
Thread *t0 = Lookup_Thread(d,ID);  /* ID is of periodic BC */
Thread *t;
cell_t c;
face_t f;
double x[ND_ND],x2[ND_ND],xc[ND_ND];
double X, Y, u_mean, v_mean, w_mean, SUM_u, SUM_v, SUM_w, u_Averaged, v_Averaged, w_Averaged, TOL, temp1, temp2, temp3;
int counter = 0;
int counter2 = 0;
TOL = 2e-3;

SUM_u = 0.0;  
SUM_v = 0.0;
SUM_w = 0.0;

#if !RP_HOST 
      X = x[0]; 
      Y = x[1];
      counter2 +=1;
      Message("face %d\n", counter2);    
        if (FLUID_THREAD_P(t))
                  if (ABS((xc[0] - X) / X) < TOL && ABS((xc[1] - Y) / Y) < TOL)
                        counter +=1;
                        u_mean = C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_U_MEAN)/delta_time_sampled;
                        v_mean = C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_V_MEAN)/delta_time_sampled;
                        w_mean = C_STORAGE_R(c,t, SV_W_MEAN)/delta_time_sampled;
                        SUM_u = SUM_u + u_mean;
                        SUM_v = SUM_v + v_mean;
                        SUM_w = SUM_w + w_mean;
        if (counter > 0)
              u_Averaged = SUM_u / counter;
              v_Averaged = SUM_v / counter;
              w_Averaged = SUM_w / counter;
              temp1 = u_Averaged;
              temp2 = v_Averaged;
              temp3 = w_Averaged;
              u_Averaged = temp1;
              v_Averaged = temp2;
              w_Averaged = temp3;
              SUM_u = 0.0;
              SUM_v = 0.0;
              SUM_w = 0.0;
              Message("counter %d\n", counter);        
              counter = 0;
                  if (ABS((xc[0] - X) / X) < TOL && ABS((xc[1] - Y) / Y) < TOL)
                     C_UDMI(c, t, 0) = u_Averaged;    
                     C_UDMI(c, t, 1) = v_Averaged;
                     C_UDMI(c, t, 2) = w_Averaged;                                                                                      
Note: The parameter "TOL" should be adjusted to make sure all the cells in the span-wise direction are taken into account!
Another point, this code only works with Hexa grids!

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