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having problems with udf debugging

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Old   May 28, 2015, 08:06
Default having problems with udf debugging
New Member
solmaz aryafar
Join Date: Feb 2013
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Hello friends!

I have a udf for modifying the "Aggregation Kernel" of the PBM (Population Balance Model) of Fluent that repeatedly results in divergence. I found this article on wiki: on debugging the udf's; but I don't know how exactly I can use this, because it's a bit unclear. So is there any one who already debugged his/her udf with this tool who could help me, please?

For example in the 3th step it's written: "search for CFLAGS_LNAMD64 (or your appropriate platform)", but when I look into the "libudf" made after compiling the udf, I see two folders: "lnamd64" and "src", and one file: "makefile". In the step 4, it's said: "change the option "-O" with "-O0 -g" and save the file", but in the makefile I don't see any -O, whearas when I open "Lnamd64" I see 3 "makefile"s which containe this mentioned -O. So I'm wondering if I have to change "-O" to "-O0 -g" and proceed with the rest of steps.

I really appreciate your help! I'm kind of stuck with this udf , which at the first glance seems to be very straight forward to get convergence from.

Thanks in advance,
solmaz aryafar is offline   Reply With Quote


fluent, pbm, udf

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