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UDF gives an empty file !!

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Old   February 10, 2015, 18:35
S. Morichika
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 62
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Saidul is on a distinguished road
Yes, I did and that is why, there is no way to overwrite the data in a same file. Every time I changed the name of the file. Could you please give me any idea what is happening?

Thanks a lot.

Originally Posted by pakk View Post
Do you remove "Z:\\dpm_coordinates_10feb_xyz.txt" every time before you start the simulation?
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Old   February 11, 2015, 05:47
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pakk will become famous soon enough
I have no idea.

If you did what I expect you did, it is very strange. But let me summarize what I think you did, to see if I understand it correctly.

- You have a Fluent case, where the flow solution has already converged.
- In that case, you added an injection on an inlet, that has 1054 faces. (You said "nodes", but if you choose "surface" for injection, Fluent uses face centers.)
- You compiled the UDF you showed before.
- You set the dpm-boundary condition of some walls to "dpm_coordinates_10feb". No other boundary was set to "trap".
- You made sure the text file was empty/not existing.
- You went to "graphics and animations" - "Particle tracks"
- You selected the injection you added, and tracked the particles.
- Fluent gave a message that 1054 particles were released, and 156 were trapped. The other 998 were either escaped, or unfinished.
- You opened the text files that were being written to (Z:\\dpm_coordinates_10feb_xyz.txt and the other one.)
- That text file should have 156 lines, but instead you see many more.

Are these the steps you took? If not, please describe your steps in the same detail.
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Old   February 11, 2015, 19:02
S. Morichika
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 62
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Saidul is on a distinguished road
I did almost same thing. I used "surface" for injection type and release from surface is "inlet". Yes, it seems very strange. Can I send you my cas file, then you can have a look. If I set the boundary condition as "trap" (without UDF) then it show how many particles are trapped. When I compile the UDF and activate it, console shows how many particle aborted. But the file gives lots of coordinates.

Thank you very much for your help.


Originally Posted by pakk View Post
I have no idea.

If you did what I expect you did, it is very strange. But let me summarize what I think you did, to see if I understand it correctly.

- You have a Fluent case, where the flow solution has already converged.
- In that case, you added an injection on an inlet, that has 1054 faces. (You said "nodes", but if you choose "surface" for injection, Fluent uses face centers.)
- You compiled the UDF you showed before.
- You set the dpm-boundary condition of some walls to "dpm_coordinates_10feb". No other boundary was set to "trap".
- You made sure the text file was empty/not existing.
- You went to "graphics and animations" - "Particle tracks"
- You selected the injection you added, and tracked the particles.
- Fluent gave a message that 1054 particles were released, and 156 were trapped. The other 998 were either escaped, or unfinished.
- You opened the text files that were being written to (Z:\\dpm_coordinates_10feb_xyz.txt and the other one.)
- That text file should have 156 lines, but instead you see many more.

Are these the steps you took? If not, please describe your steps in the same detail.
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