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Saving and loading flow fields (read or write)

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Old   December 12, 2014, 01:39
Default Saving and loading flow fields (read or write)
New Member
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Wholemeal is on a distinguished road
Is there a simple way to write and read entire flow fields in Fluent UDFs which doesn't involve the allocation of many UDMs?

I am quite the novice at FLUENT and new to this fields. I trust and rely on the generosity of some of the more experienced here. So in advance, thank you.

I have a cyclical input to a pipe which after the 3rd to 4th period the flow field converges in transient simulations. I plan to solve a UDS equation for many many periods in the magnitude of 100s of periods. So my plan of attack is to resolve the flow field once (at the 4th or 5th period) and run the UDS equations over this flow fields hundred of times. As a result, after each iteration in the transient simulation it would be good to write out the flow field so that I may read it and solve the UDS equation at each time step. Then do some time averaging or the like afterwards.

Am I making this hard on myself? Does this line of thinking just not work? I would love some advice.

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