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Precursor-successor simulation

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Old   November 17, 2014, 05:17
Default Precursor-successor simulation
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Join Date: Nov 2014
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azzurroblake is on a distinguished road
Dear all, this is my first post on the forum. I would like to ask for your help.

I have to perform a 3D LES precursor-successor simulation with ANSYS 15. Therefore, firstly I have to run the precursor simulation and store velocity profiles at each timestep, and then load them as a time-depending boundary condition (velocity inlet) in a separate simulation (successor).

The question is: how can I update the inlet velocity profile at each time-step?

I thought about some options: 1) I could use a UDF that loads at each timestep a different profile (but in this case I should create also a UDF for the precursor); 2) I could automaticly export data at each timestep in CGNS or ASCII format and then read them step-by-step with a UDF.

Do you have an easier solution or any other suggestion? Thanks in advance.
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ansys 15.0, udf and programming

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