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Manipulating UDMs

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Old   August 19, 2014, 11:29
Default Manipulating UDMs
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jose casella
Join Date: Mar 2012
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I'm writing up a UDF which runs with the dpm. Basically I need to count and store in UDMs the number of particles hitting the outlet of a cyclone. The approach is as follows:

1) The first UDM-0 counts the total number of particles regardless its injection-ID
2) UDMs from 1-9 counts the particles hitting the outlet per each individual injection-ID.
3) Using Define_at_end Macro I need to count the number of faces at the inlet in order to store (UDM-10) the total number of particles injected per each injection defined
4) Using Define_at_end macro need to divide each UDMs from 0-9 (particles hitting the outlet per injection ID) by the UDM-10 (total number of faces at the inlet).

The problem I have at the moment are:

1) I am using the default "injection-0" name in fluent and writing the following in the UDFs to count the particles from injection 0:


By comparing with the report given by the sampling in fluent I realized the UDF counts particles based on the end_number of the following:

injection-0:5 (instead of increasing the UDM for injection-0, increases the one for injection 5)

2) UDM-10 (faces at the inlet) after the begin_c_loop get a value of 1.

Domain *d = Get_Domain(1);
cell_t c;
Thread *t;
int i,j;
int ID=2;

t = Lookup_Thread(d, ID);

C_UDMI(c,t,10) +=1;


I wonder how can I do to identify the correct ID of the injection and also how can I divide properly the values of the UDMs that are stored at the outlet face by the value of UDM-10 which is obtained at the inlet.

Many thanks!
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