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HEEELP!! Laplacian temperature

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Old   July 23, 2014, 10:24
Default HEEELP!! Laplacian temperature
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Join Date: Jul 2014
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stef_pasc is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone!!
I'm trying to calculate the laplacian of temperature field in order to introduce it into the source terme of energy equation. Here there is a simplification of my C code.

DEFINE_ADJUST(adjust_gradient, domain)
Thread *t;
cell_t c;

if (! Data_Valid_P())

thread_loop_c (t,domain)
begin_c_loop (c,t)
end_c_loop (c,t)



real source;


C_UDMI(c,t,2)=C_UDSI_G(c,t,0)[0]; /*some calculus for testing the data*/

return source;


The operations I make are:
Add User Scalars and memory
Inactivate UDS equations
Tape solver/set/expert---> yes for "keep temporary solver memory ...."
Launch the computation

SO I have 2 principal problems:
Sometimes, I receive a "segmentation fault" error message: this is due to the lines

If I use C_T(c,t), there's no more problems...whyyy??;
In this case, if I plot "Reconstruction dT/dx", Scalar 0 and Memory 0, they should coincide but there some little differences.

Is there someone who can help me, pleeease???

Thank you guys!!!
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Old   July 24, 2014, 23:09
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blackmask will become famous soon enough
To the first question, you need to ensure that the pointer is non-null before accessing it. You can disable your udf for first few iterations then enable it, or you can check the pointer of C_T_G in your udf.

To the second question, the UDSIs are governed by the convection-diffusion equation. For each iteration/time step, they are set with the value of temperature gradient but they will change according to their governing equations.

Dr Bill Wangard provided a solution for gradients calculation in this forum. You can search his threads for the solution.
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Old   August 5, 2014, 05:29
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stef_pasc is on a distinguished road
Thank you blackmask for your answer!
I added an If statement with a condition on storage and it works. But I have a doubt. Indeed, if I try to verify iterations in the cells, and I found out that iterations are less than the real number of cells.
For example, I have 2048 cells while I got 1040 iterations. It means that UDS for some cells qre not allocated. How can I solve this?

Thank you very much for your help!!!

thread_loop_c (t,d)
{ k=0;
begin_c_loop (c,t)

printf("cell number%d \n", k);
end_c_loop (c,t)
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