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Problems to loop one phase in multiphase using UDF(Solid+fluid zones, three phases)

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Old   May 27, 2014, 12:31
Default Problems to loop one phase in multiphase using UDF(Solid+fluid zones, three phases)
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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songpen1985 is on a distinguished road

I have a compuational domain with two zones (fluid and solid). In the fluid zone, I have three phases (A, B and C). I want to adjust the properties of the cells in phase B. The udf can be interpreted and run.

However, if I check the UDMI, all the cells instead of phase B in the compuational domain (including solid and fluid) are controlled by the udf. I just want to control the cells in phase B. It seems that "sub_domain_loop" loops all the cells in all zones instead of the cells in phase B. Can you help to see the problem? Thank you!
int phase_domain_index=1; /*get the phase B*/
sub_domain_loop(subdomain, mixture_domain, phase_domain_index)

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Old   March 14, 2015, 20:42
Default UDF for multiphase flow identifier
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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azharuddin0613 is on a distinguished road

I am trying to model a membrane for separation of gas from mixture of gas and solid. I have tried to write a udf for gas separation from a mixture of gases. What macros do I need to incorporate in my udf.


Thread *tc1, *tc2;
Thread *tf1, *tf2;
cell_t c1, c2;
face_t f1, f2;
real f_c1[2], f_c2[2];

C_UDMI(c1,tc1,UDM_NEIGHBOUR_C) = 0.0;
C_UDMI(c1,tc1,UDM_NEIGHBOUR_TC) = 0.0;
C_UDMI(c1,tc1,UDM_MASS_SOURCE) = 0.0;

tf1 = Lookup_Thread(d,WALLSIDE1);
tf2 = Lookup_Thread(d,WALLSIDE2);


c1 = F_C0(f1,tf1);
tc1 = THREAD_T0(tf1);



if (fabs(f_c1[0]-f_c2[0]) <= TOLERANCE &&
fabs(f_c1[1]-f_c2[1]) <= TOLERANCE )


c2 = F_C0(f2,tf2);
tc2 = THREAD_T0(tf2);

C_UDMI(c1,tc1,UDM_NEIGHBOUR_C) = c2 + 0.1;
C_UDMI(c2,tc2,UDM_NEIGHBOUR_C) = c1 + 0.1;
C_UDMI(c1,tc1,UDM_NEIGHBOUR_TC) = THREAD_ID(tc2) + 0.1;
C_UDMI(c2,tc2,UDM_NEIGHBOUR_TC) = THREAD_ID(tc1) + 0.1;

Message("\n Membrane initialisation completed.\n");
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