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Multiphase Thread Usage

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Old   December 5, 2013, 10:07
Default Multiphase Thread Usage
New Member
Tom Tranter
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Leeds, UK
Posts: 21
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This is a general enquiry for coding best practises regarding multiphase threads.

I have a model with UDFs for a variety of sources to do with species consumption and some electrochemistry. To make the code more modular I have created a function representing a transfer rate which can be called by each of my sources. Some of the sources are applied to a UDS and others are applied to species and the simulation is multiphase.

So when the function is called for a UDS source I am passed a mixture level super_thread and when the function is called for a species source I am passed a phase level sub_thread.

The information I need to access is the concentration of the species in the primary phase so I must retrieve the primary phase from the super_thread, use what I've got if I'm passed the primary phase thread or manourvre up to the super_thread from any secondary phases and then back down again to the primary phase.

This is all achievable but a bit long-winded and messy looking. I was wondering if there is a clean way of getting the information I need. For example, is there a way of telling what phase thread I've been passed without trying to go somewhere else with THREAD_SUPER_THREAD or THREAD_SUB_THREAD and handling the errors.

Many Thanks
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