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Roots Blower sim Logical Path and DEFINE_GEOM

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Old   October 14, 2013, 00:00
Default Roots Blower sim Logical Path and DEFINE_GEOM
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Join Date: Oct 2013
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FrankS is on a distinguished road
Hi All,
I am trying to simulate a miniature 2-lobe roots blower I designed. I tried to use the Immersed Solid option in CFX but I had little luck. I think the word "Solid" should be replace by "porus media". I tried all the tricks including a super-fine mesh and the momentum forcing function at 100 but no dice; flow-through solids.

After some reading, I was thinking that I could use the Fluent DEFINE_GEOM UDF to deform the mesh interface between each lobe. I know the shape of each lobe and I could define the shape of the interface with lobe angle.

I would set each lobe in a cylinder shaped domain and deform the interface with the UDF, in effect creating a sliding mesh. I picture in my head the shape of the interface would look like the Yin and Yang symbol ( So, to anybody with experience doing something similar, does this plan seem logical?

I don't have much experience with Fluent but I am willing to put in the hours to learn. My most advanced programming experience consists of writing a 2-D, laminar Navier-Stokes solver in C++ but I can always read a book if I need programming help. Any input would be appreciated. An animation ripped off of Youtube is in the link:

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