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Non-Stopping Capillary Flow

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Old   August 15, 2024, 10:14
Default Non-Stopping Capillary Flow
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Hello everyone,

I am currently working on a capillary flow simulation using the VOF method in ANSYS Fluent. My goal is to analyze the meniscus profile of the interface. While I am able to obtain the desired interface meniscus profile, I am encountering an issue where the flow does not stop as expected and continues to advance.

Here are the details of my setup:

Phases: I am simulating a two-phase flow with air and water. The surface tension between the phases is set to 0.0728 N/m.
VOF Model: I am using the VOF model and have tested both the explicit and implicit volume fraction methods separately (volume fraction 1e-06). The implicit body force is enabled, interface modeling is set to sharp, and phase interaction includes wall adhesion.
Solver Settings: I am using a pressure-based solver with gravity enabled. The operating density is set to the density of the lower density phase (air, 1.225 kg/m³), and the operating pressure is based on the coordinates where air is consistently present throughout the flow (101325 Pa).
Boundary Conditions: I have set zero pressure at the inlet and outlet, no-slip conditions at the walls, and specified a contact angle.
Discretization Schemes:
Pressure-Velocity Coupling: PISO algorithm.
Spatial Discretization:
Pressure: Body force weighted.
Momentum: QUICK and second-order upwind.
Volume Fraction: Compressive.
Additionally, I have not encountered any convergence issues, with residuals reaching around 1e-4.

Despite these settings, the flow does not stabilize and continues to advance beyond the expected behavior. I am wondering if anyone has experienced similar issues or has any suggestions on what might be causing this problem.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,
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