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Fluid - Interaction between liquid CO2 and oil

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Old   June 16, 2023, 06:46
Default Fluid - Interaction between liquid CO2 and oil
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Join Date: Jun 2023
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Hello all,
The initial condition is a T-piece of a pipeline where liquid Co2 and oil collide.
- For both inputs mass flows are given at a certain operating pressure.
- I would like to analyze the interaction between the two fluids.
- Question: Do the two components mix and become one phase, or do they remain two immiscible fluids?
- Further question- Sulfur is added to the oil as an additive, can I add the exact composition of the oil to Fluent's database to analyze the influence of the sulfur content on the mixing behavior.

Is it basically possible to simulate this with Ansys Fluent?
If so, which model do I use for this problem?
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