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particle deposition (wall adhesion) in discrete phase modeling by ansys fluent

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Old   June 27, 2022, 09:45
Default particle deposition (wall adhesion) in discrete phase modeling by ansys fluent
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Hello, I hope you doing well. I am simulation a drug delivery project , nano particle dispersion in abdominal artery, which is transient simulation by using dpm method in ansys. A particular part of our wall geometry model which is STICKY and responsible for absorbing the drug particles, needs some kind of WALL ADHESION forces to stop particles from spreading. I could not find any special item in wall-dpm boundary condition to attribute this force to it. I tried trap, but at the end, the number of trapped particles on the zone is not satisfiable.

1)what type of wall boundary condition is required here? or I should change the properties of my particle to stick on our target. the Eulerian multiphase method (dense discrete phase model) is appropriate for my case?

2) At the end of the simulation, writing a summary in console or file is the only way to calculate the number of particles on each zone? or there is another way to count?

3) how to show contours of particle deposition on wall in cfd-post processing? does isosurface work?

I would really appreciate you if anyone could help me in this case. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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