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Modeling an Air Bleed Valve in Fluent

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Old   May 24, 2022, 16:44
Cool Modeling an Air Bleed Valve in Fluent
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Join Date: May 2022
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kumar1 is on a distinguished road
Hey guys,

I am trying to model a design in fluent. The design is supposed to be a PVC built flow channel with turns and drops that I would like to study. I am particularly interested on how the air bleed behaves and what is the interaction of the water with the air that gets sucked in from the air bleed valve.

It has one inlet on the left hand side and 2 outlets, one on top-right and the other one in the bottom.
The outlet on the top right is supposed to be an air bleed valve that will let air out from the system but will close when water is trying to go out and it can also let air in the system in case there is a loss of pressure. Once it closes the water flows through the PVC channels and then exits form the outlet in the bottom.

Some information: It is a pseudo transient simulation, k-epsilon, and Multiphase VOF models are being used. Inlet is a velocity input for water. Bottom outlet is a pressure outlet. I am not sure what to use for the top-right outlet/inlet.

Currently what is happening is the water is exiting from the top right itself (Air pressure inlet), instead I want to close it and let the water exit from the bottom and only let air pass through or get sucked in from the top-right outlet. Basically I want it to be an open interface for air (Can come in and go out) and a wall for water.

What are some ways I can model this in Fluent?

Any help is highly appreciated. Thank you so much.
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air, air-bleed, fluent, multiphase, water

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