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Issue in coupled thermal boundary condition

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Old   May 20, 2022, 00:59
Default Issue in coupled thermal boundary condition
New Member
Wade Lin
Join Date: May 2022
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I'm trying to model a transient flow on a solid surface with a surface reaction. The reaction decomposes the fluid and generates heat, which transfers to the bulk and solid by convection and conduction.

I used the multiphase model (fluid and air) to simulate the flow motion, which was quite successful. However, when I tried to apply the heat generation, it failed. I created the flow (mixture) and solid domains and applied a coupled thermal condition to the interface (surface and surface-shadow). Then, I assigned an expression like the below to the heat generation term with a specific wall thickness. Since the surface reaction only occurs when the fluid is in contact with the surface, I need to detect the existence of the liquid by using Volumefraction(phase='fluid').

Heat Generation: 1000 [kg m^-1 s^-3] * Volumefraction(phase='fluid')

The syntax is correct, but the program showed a Message from the Cortex Process: Compute processes interrupted. Processing can be resumed.

I think the problem is at the surface boundary. Because surface boundary is connected to the solid domain, the value of Volumefraction(phase='fluid') is invalid. Also, this function works if I only applied to the surface-shadow boundary. Hence, I think this is where the issue was created.

Is there any method to fix it or avoid it? Thank you very much.

This is the result I achieved by neglecting the solid domain, so there should be only convection on the surface:
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