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Horizontal water stream profile out of a nozzle

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Old   August 16, 2021, 07:01
Question Horizontal water stream profile out of a nozzle
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Babak B.Chehreh
Join Date: Aug 2021
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Dear all
I am new to multiphase simulation and I have been searching a lot to find a similar problem to figure out the setup but since it's simple (or not interesting enough) I haven't been able to.
This is the Problem:
water comes out of a 2mm nozzle with 5 m/s velocity, horizontally into atmosphere. the goal is to capture the profile of the water curve until it reaches the ground in air crossflow with different velocities ranging from 0.5 to 3.5 m/s.
for the first step to find the right setup I am trying to simulate it without cross flow and in 2D planar.
this is the setup that I am using:
- Multiphase VOF model (Implicit formulation)
- k-e Realizable turbulence model
- non-iterative time advancement
- PISO pressure-velocity Coupling
- Spatial Discretization :
- Gradient: Green-Gauss Node based
- Pressure: Body Force Weighted
- Momentum: Second Order upwind
- Volume Fraction: Compressive
- Turbulence: First order Upwind

This particular setup is the only one that results in a stable behavior of water stream. but the problem is water profile is not right. with a simple experiment we know that water should reach the ground in around 1.5 meters but with this setup it goes out of the domain (travels way more than it should!) (please see the picture).

I have also used dynamic adaption for mesh using ISO-Value , to refine mesh where the water is. (please see the pictures).

Any ideas are appreciated greatly. please don't hesitate to ask for any info. that I have missed presenting. Thank you so much.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg C.jpg (54.7 KB, 2 views)
File Type: jpg Mesh1.jpg (115.1 KB, 2 views)
File Type: jpg Mesh2.jpg (130.5 KB, 1 views)
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fluent, gravity force, planar jet, water + air

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