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VOF multiphase simulation

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Old   June 26, 2021, 17:49
Post VOF multiphase simulation
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Join Date: Jun 2021
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Jamal Ud Din is on a distinguished road
Hey everyone!
I am presently working on VOF multiphase process, my simulation is mainly about the degree of saturation and capillary pressure and how they are related, or in other words, fluid retention behaviour of soil. It consisted of two types of fluid Silicon oil and Air. According to the experiment, there must be fluid (Silicon oil) as a result of surface tension and adhesion forming bridges of fluid in between particles of soil. The problem is, when I go for a rough mesh there are some bridges formed but not fully clear, I thought it would get much clear with the refinement of the mesh. So whenever I go for refinement rather than bridges there are patches of fluid formed and do not disappear. I want to know why is it getting more problematic even when refinement is increased?
Properties of the fluid are the same exactly as those used in the experiment
flow is "steady and laminar", 2d.
the domain (16 particles) is firstly flooded with Silicon oil and after running the simulation silicon oil volume is meant to be decreased and replaced by air and leaving behind bridges of fluid in between particles.
The particles are circular and dia 546 microns and spaces between particles are 10 microns.
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