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Using a pressure inlet/outlet condition in fluent

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Old   May 6, 2021, 11:43
Default Using a pressure inlet/outlet condition in fluent
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I'm simulating a 2D multiphase phase change problem of water vapour condensing ontop of a pipe wall. I'm currently following a paper to validate my simulation. However in the paper they use OpenFoam to simulate the problem in which the boundary conditions they state are slightly different.

For example they use a pressure inlet/outlet boundary condition on the edges of the fluid domain where the boundary condition switches between being a zerograident condition when outflow occurs and a fixedvalue when inflow occurs.

In my case I will have outflow and inflow since the water vapour will be coming into the domain as the wall temperature is below the saturation temperature of the fluid domain (50 K difference) and outflow will occur as the condensate will drip off the pipe and exit the domain.

The problem is, is that how can I implement a pressure inlet/outlet boundary condition in fluent? As I know that this can be done in Openfoam. I've tried using various outlet conditions in fluent such as pressure outlet, pressure inlet and outflow but they do not give me good results as I notice vortices and swirling starts to form in domain which ruins the liquid-gas interface of the condensate.


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condensation on wall only, multiphase, phase change

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