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How to continue calculation in ANSYS Workbench with System Coupling after unsave

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Old   March 30, 2021, 11:50
Angry How to continue calculation in ANSYS Workbench with System Coupling after unsave
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WangYihuHRB is on a distinguished road
Dear friends in CFD online, I have met a problem: I cannot continue my tranisent FSI calculation in System Coupling of ANSYS Workbench after unsaving exit , such as the shutting down of the computer.

Maybe someone wants to use the restart function, but it doesn't work. Before the calculation, I set autosave for every time step in FLUENT and generate restart points at all substeps in Transient Structure. Now I introduce my attempt in the following:

First: setting FLUENT: After shutting down with unsave, when I go back to FLUENT, I click "File->Solution Files..." and see the solution file list. But when I click the "read" botton, it has no response. When I click "recover missing solutions..." I can see the dat files but if I choose the file the system will print error "File not found". However, I can click "File->Import->Data..." and choose the last data file.

Next: setting Transient Structure: I can see solution files in the _ProjectScratch folders and copy files in it to the default structure solution folder: \dp0\SYS\MECH. Click solution->tools->read result files to read the rst file and set the restart point in the last step.

Finally: setting System Coupling: I meet trouble in this step. I click Analysis Settings and want to set the Coupling Initialization but fail to. There is only one option "Program Control" without any restart options! I CAN SEE EVERY RESTART FILE IN \dp0\SC\SC\SyC WHY I CANNOT RESTART??? If I continue to calculate with Coupling Initialization in"Program Control", it will mention:

Participant Solution 1 encountered a fatal error. Message: The Mechanical beginning time 0.4 is different from the system coupling service beginning time 0. This may have been caused by changes made to the Mechanical setup or upstream data. Please do not save the project if you would like to recover to the last saved state.

Can someone tell me the answer "How to continue calculation in ANSYS Workbench with System Coupling after unsave"?
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