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It is possible to use a DEM collision model to simulate the blockage of particles?

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Old   February 23, 2021, 09:05
Default It is possible to use a DEM collision model to simulate the blockage of particles?
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Join Date: Nov 2020
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Hello Everyone,

It is possible to use a DEM collision model to simulate the blockage of particles in a pipe.
I am using DEM collision model, unsteady particle tracking ( particles diameter: 0.0012 with density of 2650 Kg/m^3’) and the gravity was activated, so the particles are falling in the axial direction. The pipe diameter = 0.003m, length L= 1m.
The collision between the particle and the wall lead to deceleration of the particle, affected the arrangement of particle along cross section, this lead to form a stable arch. The jamming probability increases with the probability that a stable arch along the cross section of the pipe is formed. This already done in many previous studies with different commercial software’s but not with Ansys.
In my case I have run 173 particles for 100000-time steps, with 0.00001s time step size. The calculation took extremely long time (more than 24 hrs. for 3% Iteration).
The problem is to detect the collision, the time step must be very short within 10^-6 for a time-period of 5-10 sec. is possible to perform that with Ansys?
I tried simple solution method for both first and second order for Turb. Kin., but I had kind of divergence for both, as shows in the attached residual.
I appreciate any advice on setup and/ or parameter that can help in reducing the iteration time. Thanks in advance.

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