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Mass transfer coefficient determination from saturated liquid depressurization

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Old   January 11, 2021, 12:21
Default Mass transfer coefficient determination from saturated liquid depressurization
New Member
Shahriar Mahmud
Join Date: Mar 2016
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I have experimental setup (vertical cylinder) where I can depressurize a saturated liquid (oil+Methane) in a controlled manner (x bar/min for example). What i have observed is that during depressurization bubbly flow occurs and I can measure the amount of gas coming out vs time.

Now, I would like to simulate this phenomenon in FLUENT. Once validated with experimental data, the idea is to simulate different diameter cylinders.

My question is how can I obtain the time dependent desorption mass transfer coefficients (I know it wouldn't be constant with time) from the first simulation where I have experimental data? I am confused with the different cavitation models mentioned in the ANSYS theory guide and should I go for Mixture or Eulerian model (ANSYS theory guide says VOF is not good for cavitational mass transfer scenarios)?

Also, could you please suggest if the obtained mass transfer coefficients would be transferable to other diameter pipes provided all other parameters remain constant?
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depressurization, desorption, mass transfer coefficient

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