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Bubble formation in microfluidics

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Old   December 18, 2020, 15:01
Default Bubble formation in microfluidics
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Join Date: Dec 2020
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MuhammadAliDurrani is on a distinguished road
Dear Everyone
I hope you are doing well, I am a beginner in CFD, I was recently given a task by a professor to recreate results from a paper. the paper is on air bubble formation in mercury.
The schematic of physical setup is attached below:
initially mercury is trapped between the two (yellow and green) plates, air enters through the hole between red electrodes and forms a bubble. top plate (yellow) is such that it can only allow air to pass through but not mercury, so after bubble forms, it expands until it reaches the top plate, once it reaches it collapses. the results from the paper are attached below:Capture.PNG
I made the geometry which is attached below:
the side walls in the above geometry are also pressure outlets with gauge pressure zero and backflow volume fraction of air is zero

the physics is setup as, VOF with two eulerian phases i.e air and mercury , with implicit formulation, sharp interface modeling, phase interaction surface tension force modeling with continuum surface force, wall adhesion active with surface tension value of 0.415n/m
in boundary conditions i applied a pressure inlet with air volume fraction 1
for wall i applied a contact angle of 140
pressure velocity coupling with volume fraction coupled and green gauss cell based.
i initialized the solution and patched the whole domain with mercury.
and calculated the problem for 1e-7 timesteps and 20 max iterations,

the question is, is this approach correct?
the bubble that i get is not expanding, and is kind of inverted
let me attach that too:
WhatsApp Image 2020-05-13 at 2.28.26 AM.jpeg
kindly help
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