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Validation with Alammar thermosyphon

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Old   June 2, 2020, 17:27
Default Validation with Alammar thermosyphon
New Member
saba yassoub
Join Date: Sep 2012
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luna is on a distinguished road
Hi everybody
I have worked on Evaporation part of thermosyphon experimentally and numerically complete the experimental part and reached to numerical part and first must be validation with another research so I read more research like ALammar, lenhard, Zhang, ......etc.
start with Alammar research he used Ansys 15, I'm used Ansys 19 R2 I do it the mesh like him( 24522 for fluid domain and 9620 for solid domain total 34142) also, increased it to 75000 but the same problems which is the residual continuity increases and reached to 1.24, 2.45, and sometimes reached to 10 but the other parameters decreased to 10^-5 I have repeated it about 100 times Alammar used UDF but mine not because When I used UDF in Ansys 19 R2 appear the phrase in CONSOLE "the Pragma is obsolete" but I found it in cell zone definition used it but not improved the continuity residual and used Ansys 16 appear error although it correct Why I don't why
even I do it the lenhard research also I didn't the same results. I need the answer to the question
1-In Design Modular when sketch the thermosyphon used the following steps
a-draw two rectangular in one sketch xy (represent the wall) and correct the dimensions
b-draw in sketch 2, three rectangles, represent water medium, remaining part of evaporation section and the final condenser section in fluent the interface between the three section defined as interior because convert to fluent as wall. then mesh then define the boundary conditions in fluent define one mass transfer or two the continuity residual is not good and when used two there is condensation part appear on the wall but the temperature contour is not correct also, if used one mass transfer boiling of water delay not occur at he told at 0.1
then changed the sketch by drawing
a-two sketch xy two rectangles define surface for the first one and then define surface for the second then subtract with preserve the interior rectangle then used plane with slice to define the water level and level of division evaporation from condenser
in above two different sketches all surfaces form as one part
the same problems appear what should I do?
the two design modular correct or no
and the level of water define in Design modular or in Fluent
Please, can anyone help me because I have e-mail all of them but they didn't answer.
and I'm remain at this validation about 7 months
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