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Multiphase basics problem

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Old   January 11, 2020, 11:24
Default Multiphase basics problem
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Join Date: Jan 2020
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allerror is on a distinguished road
It's been several months I work on multiphase problem.
I'm now at my limit and I start from the begining which is to only have a simulation of wave without any problems.

So for that I decided to make a domain which is
-30750mm long with 6750mm between the inlet and the origin on the X axis.
-5000mm tall and 14115mm down on the Z axis
-6500mm long on the y axis
I made 2 volume which has the same face on the plan XY.
There it is for the geometry.

For the mesh I used 3 edge sizing functions.
-one that have the edge which go from the top and bottom to the middle
-one have all the edge on the X axis.
-one which got all the edge on the Y axis.

On fluent I use "Double precision" and 4processes on parallel on local.
I use volume fraction I enable level vof, wave BC, body force.
I put the water on phase 2 .
I initialise the simulation with my inlet and with flat surface.
And when I run the simulation I use
timestep = 0.01s
1000 timesteps
150 iterations/timestep
So everything I did on fluent, is on picture with the message.



So my questions are :
-why does my residuals 1 timesteps don't converge but stay constant (like IsFun)residuals.PNG
-why does my water/air interface isn't continuous and have some weird shape?problem1.PNG

Thank you in advance, if you need more informations ask me I can send my file if that's not enough.

PS : Sorry if my english is not that great If there is too much mistakes.
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