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Old   January 6, 2020, 05:29
Question LiquidCO2
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Join Date: Jan 2020
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I have a small cylinder that is attached to a big cylinder, and the small cylinder has 2 holes, that I want to have liquid co2 flowing into the big cylinder representing atmosphere of air. I have got my materials. Can someone please run me through the basic simulation for this. I don't want to go into the nity grity of the CFD, I just want to know in the models section in setup, what should I choose, what turbulance model and whether multiphase etc. Can you just give me the most easiest setup here please, because I am new to CFD, and new to ANSYS. I have gone through tutorials online so I am familiar with the interface of ansys, but I just need this simulation to run. I have have liquid CO2 going into a big cylinder that contains air. I am not interested in the temperature, not interested in heat or anything, just velocity, I just want to see the shape of the flow in the cylinder. I have spent around 4 months now on ansys, and I have not got anywhere, but definitely have learnt a lot.

Thank you for your help.

Kind Regards,
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