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Need Help, Eulerian Multiphase Model with Supersonic Flow

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Old   July 30, 2019, 06:35
Unhappy Need Help, Eulerian Multiphase Model with Supersonic Flow
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Hiawata Adhya Pratama
Join Date: Jul 2019
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Hello, I am simulating a soot-blower C-d Nozzle discharging a steam in supersonic condition into a boiler with a flue gas flowing inside of it, the purpose of soot blower is to clean soot deposit at the tube arrangement inside the boiler with the supersonic steam. My objective is to obtain the amount of pressure drop between the inlet and the outlet of the soot blower and see the flow pattern also shock formation.

I am using Pressure Based, Transient solver, with Eulerian Multiphase Model and SST K-omega model. The primary phase is steam or water vapor (with real gas peng-robinson properties) with the inlet velocity of 7.86 m/s and temperature of 814 K. The secondary phase is flue gas that I assume as air (with constant properties) with inlet velocity of 9.06 m/s and temperature of 997 K . The boundary condition is
1. Soot blower inlet as velocity-inlet
2. Boiler inlet as velocity-inlet
3. Soot blower outlet as pressure-outlet
4. Boiler outlet as pressure-outlet
5. Interior
6. Soot blower inner wall as no slip wall
7. Soot blower outter wall as no slip wall
8. There is a small box I created for observing the discharged steam located in between the boiler and soot blower. I set as an interface and have a contact region

I have reduced the relaxation factor to make the calculation more stable and I initialize the calculation using hybrid calculation. My time step size is 1e-06 with number of time step of 4000 with 20 max iteration/time step.

The problem is, I cannot reach the supersonic state when simulating the model and after running for days (Almost a week) my calculation is diverged. Please help me as this is my undergraduate final project I've been searching for correct setup for more than a month now. I attached the some picture below to make it more clear, I would surely send you my wbpj file through email if you ask me. Thank you for your kind help geometri existing.jpg

geometri existing1.jpg

mesh existing baru.JPG

mesh existing baru1.JPG

mesh existing baru2.JPG
HiawataAdhya is offline   Reply With Quote


c-d nozzle, compressible multiphase, eulerian multiphase flow, soot blower, supersonic flow

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