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Eulerian Approach for Droplet Impingement

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Old   March 8, 2019, 10:52
Default Eulerian Approach for Droplet Impingement
New Member
Denis Sotomayor
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
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I have been trying to model droplet impingement through a eulerian-eulerian approach of a flow over a 2D airfoil (2D simulation) in FLUENT, trying to mimic the formulations stated in the paper "Ice Accretion Modeling using an Eulerian Approach for Droplet Impingement " Kim, Dennis, Sankar, equations (1) and (2).

I tried to use the Eulerian Multiphase option, as well as setting Air and Water as my Primary and Secondary phases, respectively; setting water droplets of 0.1 mm and using inlet volume fractions of around 1e-6. Obviously, I get results which are not the ones that I am looking for since I have identified some problems which I have to correct, and, for this, I am asking the next questions:

1.- First problem comes from the fact that I have to state that the "Airfoil wall" should trap the Water particles, therefore, act as an "Outlet". Problem is that I have it already set it as a "Wall". How can I set a binary boundary condition to a surface with different behaviors for each phase?

2.- If the previous can be achieved through a UDF, is there a "template" already designed for this specific purpose?

3.- When simulating the 2nd phase, the viscosity of the water is still accounted in the calculation. Is there a way of forcing the viscosity to 0 without getting an error? (same with conductive heat transfer)

Thanks for the help beforehand
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