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Reduction of Flow Courant Num. to 0.2 and Under Rel. Factor of energy to 0.2

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Old   March 7, 2019, 06:11
Default Reduction of Flow Courant Num. to 0.2 and Under Rel. Factor of energy to 0.2
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Niemcy
Posts: 80
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spalartallmaras is on a distinguished road

my simulation is about a hydraulic flip of oil jet in a small jet bore. it is steady simulation and

1. in the moment, when the air is sucked(?) to the jet bore along the bore wall, there is an area, where the local velocity will be really high. To solve this problem I reduced the Flow Courant Number iteratively. If it is 0.2, the velocity is after several iterations ~100 m/s. The max velocity of oil ~55 m/s

2. when the sucked(?) air reaches to the inlet of jet bore and if I can not find any vapor of oil anymore, there is divergence of temperature(to over 5000 K and also 0 K). This problem is solved if I set the Under Relaxation Factors to 0.2

and fortunately, the result is physically correct and the jet-speed is similar as the results from the experiment. But I reduced the factors too much, so I am not sure, if I can take this simulations results...
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