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Add Young's Modulus and Poisson Ratio to a material into Fluent

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Old   May 25, 2018, 11:46
Post Add Young's Modulus and Poisson Ratio to a material into Fluent
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Florian CREPIN
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 3
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Hi everyone,

I work on ANSYS Fluent to model a gel motion passing through a constricted channel.
I would like to create a new material for my gel with his own properties (Young’s Modulus, Poisson Ratio, Density). But when I create a new material in Fluent, the only properties that I can input are density, viscosity and others, but I can’t add the young’s modulus and poisson ratio. Is it possible to do? And how can I do?

I heard that we could use a User Defined Material Database, but on the examples I saw, I’ve never seen any Young’s modulus or Poisson ratio. Is it possible to add them? If yes, what would be the syntax?

If you have any other comments on how can I model this phenomena (gel motion through a constricted channel), it is highly appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance
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