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Oil Jet Stability

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Old   March 16, 2018, 08:03
Default Oil Jet Stability
New Member
Daniel Gasper
Join Date: Dec 2017
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i am student from Germany and i am working on my graduation work.
My English is pretty bad, but i have a problem and cant find a solution.
So i decided to do my best and try to explain what i am doing, maybe someone can help me.

From researches i know there are 3 different states of Oil-Jet-Break up. The Jet forms droplets or sprays, depending on the reynolds-number and weber-number. (depending on viscosity, velocity, surface-tension etc.)

Heres my problem, i try to simulate it (plane) with the boundary conditions of the engine, and the Oil-Jet does nothing like that. Its just a laminar Jet right into the cooling-channel. The Jet doesent break up. I uploaded different picture showing my Problem and my input data for the simulation. I dont think that my solution is right and the Jet dont break up.

Maybe someone understands my Problem and can help me. I dont know witch parameter i should change.. i tryed diffrent velocitys, pressure, mass-flows and it wont effect the result. But changes should affect the result. It always looks like a Laminar Jet (left Picture in the Figure) and what i am expecting is a turbulent flow (right picture in the Figure)

My Setup:
Nodes (73005)
Elements (71904)


Models (Multiphase)
Volume Fraction Parameters: Explicit
Volume Fraction Cutoff: 1e-06
Courant Number: 0.25
Implicit Body Force
Interface Modeling: Sharp
Energy - Off
Viscous - Standard k-e, Standard Wall Function
2D-Space: Axisymmetric

engine-oil: Density: 889 kg/m^3
Viscosity: 0.013337 kg/m-s
Air: Density: 1.225 kg/m^3
Viscosity: 1.7894e-05 kg/m-s
Interaction: Surface Tension constant: 0.25

Boundary Conditions:
Inlet: pressure-inlet: 450000 Pa
Turbulent Intensity 0.5%
Hydraulic Diameter 0.003

Outlet: pressure-outlet: Backflow Turbulent Intensity: 8%
Backflow Turbulent Length Scale: 0.3 m
Backflow Volume Fraction: 0

Methods: PISO
Skewness Correction: 0
Neighbor Correction: 3
Skewness-Neighbor Coupling: no
Least Squares Cell Based
Pressure: PRESTO!
Momentum: Second Order Upwind
Volume Fraction: Geo-Reconstruct
Turbulent Kinetic Energy: Second Order Upwind
Turbulent Dissipation Rate: Second Order Upwind
Transient Formulation: First Order Implicit

Pressure: 0.9
Density: 0.5
Body Forces: 0.5
Momentum: 0.5
Turbulent Kinetic Energy: 0.5
Turbulent Dissipation Rate: 0.9
Turbulent Viscosity: 0.9

Initialization Methods:
Compute from: Inlet
Patch: Phase oil
Volume Fraction Value 0

Gradient Adaption: Method: Iso-Value
Volume Fraction
Phase: oil
Refine Threshold: 0.3
Coarsen Threshold: 3
Time Stepping Method: Variable
Global Courant Number: 0.8
Ending Time: 0.5
Minimum Time Step Size: 1e-09
Maximum Time Step Size: 1e-06

I appreciate every help i can get. Thanks a lot!

Attached Images
File Type: jpg Geometry_Parameters.jpg (27.5 KB, 7 views)
File Type: jpg Influence of the inflow mass flow rate.jpg (49.6 KB, 9 views)
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