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FSI with motion of solid parts: Any tips?

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Old   March 6, 2018, 10:02
Default FSI with motion of solid parts: Any tips?
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Join Date: Mar 2018
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maccheese is on a distinguished road
Hi guys,

I am fairly new to ANSYS CFD, so apologies in advance when my questions are too foolish.

I am currently working on a simulation set-up for the impregnation process of fibers with resin. I start with a simple geometry of the cross sections of 4 fibers (two rows with 2 fibers), which are surrounded by air, floating above the resin. My goal is to simulate the dipping in of the fibers into the resin. I have tried to set up a FSI-model of this geometry, but I am only getting errors so far. I am currently elaborating on these error messages regarding their origins.

Anyway, Ive come to ask myself, if my approached FSI-method is the right way for me to go. The fibers in my model will experience a considerably amount displacement as they are being pushed into the resin by a certain force.

When I started to dig into FSI in Ansys, I watched a couple of tutorials on youtube on this subject. I noticed, that in the few tutorials there are, the solid never experienced a considerably amount of motion trough the model.

For my understanding, this motion of the solid fiber parts through the fluid domain could lead to problems. For example, lets look at the way FSI-models are built: There is a solid part and a fluid domain. In the fluid domain, you are supposed to cave out the geometry of the solid parts, which will later be implemented by system coupling into the fluid domain. So my fluid domain has 4 holes in which the fibers fit in. When the fibers dive into the resin through the simulation process, these holes would be left by the fiber sections, being not meshed at all.

So do you guys have any tips for me regarding my simulation plans?

I certainly dont expect a step by step instruction, but some hints or keywords for this kind of simulation would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
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