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Capillary pressure model

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Old   February 19, 2018, 12:06
Default Capillary pressure model
Kamal Bisht
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Germany
Posts: 57
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I want to model the bubble breakthrough across a porous screen saturated with liquid. The porous screen is located at the center of a cylindrical tube filled with liquid. I generated a bubble at the front of the screen for this problem. I defined porous screen as a porous zone by generating a thin fluid domain for it. The porous jump case is not suitable for the real case in which I want to implement my model at last.

From the theory, I need to define the capillary pressure across this screen by defining the contact angle between the liquid and the screen material. This pressure will act as a resistance to the gas.

In Fluent, capillary pressure model is only available with the Eulerian multi-fluid method or other Eulerian method but not with the VOF method. In the capillary model, the secondary phase shall be the wetting phase which is liquid.
But in the phase interaction tab for the Eulerian model, fluent needs the diameter of the secondary phase as it consider secondary phase as the disperse phase, which is air in reality.

In my model, shall I mention tube diameter in the diameter column of the secondary phase or is there any other way to solve this problem?

Can I use the VOF method and somehow implement the capillary pressure in Fluent?

Edit: Is it possible to do this by defining the face cell boundaries of the porous zone as porous jump and then assign the contact angle through jump adhesion?

Last edited by Bisht; February 19, 2018 at 13:13.
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