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Surface Errors

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Old   December 8, 2017, 10:27
Default Surface Errors
New Member
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 9
Rep Power: 9
oberstar is on a distinguished road
I am trying to run a simulation that seems to have some old geometry defined inside fluent. I get the following type errors when setting up data exports:
I saved everything and re-opened workbench from scratch then the solution:
When it opens up I get a whole slew of errors:
Preparing mesh for display...

Error at host: zone-surface: invalid thread[2]

Error at Node 0: zone-surface: invalid thread[2]

Error at Node 1: zone-surface: invalid thread[2]

Error at Node 2: zone-surface: invalid thread[2]

Error at Node 3: zone-surface: invalid thread[2]

Error at Node 4: zone-surface: invalid thread[2]

Error at Node 5: zone-surface: invalid thread[2]

Error at Node 6: zone-surface: invalid thread[2]

Error at Node 7: zone-surface: invalid thread[2]

Error: zone-surface: invalid thread[2]
Error Object: #f

I've tracked it back to stale surface definitions that exist from the previous geometry with multiple bodies that I swapped out. I have found where I can manage surfaces via the Surface->Manage menu where I can delete them manually. However some of my new surfaces use similar names and I can't tell which ones are the stale surface definition to delete. Is there a way to cause fluent to reload and repopulate the list of surfaces automatically?
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