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Heat flux coefficient at VOF interphase

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Old   May 10, 2017, 06:24
Default Heat flux coefficient at VOF interphase
New Member
Andreas Ammann
Join Date: Apr 2017
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I'm currently running a simulation of an oil bubble rising in water. The bubble has a lower temperature than the continuous water-phase. My target is to evaluate the heat fluxcoefficient at the interphase between water and the oil bubble.

3D-Mesh with quads
VOF (not coupled level set)
Energy equation on
ic: 0 velocity flow field, spherical patched bubble with phase 2 for oil
bc: walls and gravity

In my opinion the result of the rising bubble looks plausibel, the temperature distribution over time too.

But if I want to evaluate the heat flux coefficient by doing the following steps I get 0 w/2-k:
- Create an isosurface with a VOF value of 0.5
- Reports/Surface Integrals
- Choosing Area Weighted Average, and surface heat transfer coefficient under wall fluxes
- choosing the isosurface and evaluate

If I plot the heat flux as a contour plot on the isosurface I also only get 0 w/m^2. But my temperature field tells me an other story. Is it actually possible to evaluate the heat flux at the interface? And if so, how?

Attached Images
File Type: jpg DropletRising_VOF.jpg (85.7 KB, 38 views)
File Type: jpg DropletRising_VOF_TemperatureField.jpg (96.9 KB, 36 views)
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