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DPM Modeling problems

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Old   November 1, 2016, 09:26
Post DPM Modeling problems
New Member
Utsav Jain
Join Date: Jul 2014
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Hello guys,

So I am doing a steady state combustion simulation with liquid and atomized fuel. This is how I am proceeding:

1. I run the non-reactive case to get a stable solution making sure that my mesh is correct or fine enough.

2. After I get a steady non-reactive contours, I switch on the combustion and then run iterations to get a steady contour for reactive scalars.

3. Once I get a steady and converged solution for reactive scalar, I switch on the DPM model and inject particles from the inlet surface. When I do this, the entire domain becomes unsteady and I never get a converged solution. By not getting converged solution I mean that the residuals keep oscillating (which maynot be a problem as they oscillate in my second step as well) but the mass flow at the exit also oscillates and doesn't come to a constant value.

I am not able to understand the problem? As my flow is not getting converged, even after a large number of iterations with DPM modeling switch on, I don't get proper contours as a result of which the particle evaporation doesn't take place at the right place in the domain and some particles remain incomplete because of lack of evaporation.

I am not sure if the mesh is the problem or any other thing. I will be thankful if anyone can help with the problem. There are a lot of details associated with the simulation so let me know and I will give you more details. For now I am running a steady state problem.

Also I am not switching on the unsteady tracking of particle. I also wanted to know how my solution will be affected or what is the different between switch on the unsteady particle tracking and what I am doing?
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convergence, dpm, fluent, steady simulation

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