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3 phase flow through pipe

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Old   March 3, 2016, 02:03
Default 3 phase flow through pipe
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Thasneem Moosa
Join Date: Mar 2016
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Dear sir,
While setting up a model in fluent for three phase flow what should be the operating conditions given regarding density? Should that necessarily be of a lighter fluid?
Is it right to interrupt a solution before it could complete the iterations to check the volume fraction through out the model and yet obtain a correct solution?

Last edited by thasneem; March 3, 2016 at 02:08. Reason: additional clarification required
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Old   March 3, 2016, 11:03
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 47
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CFDYourself is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by thasneem View Post
Dear sir,
While setting up a model in fluent for three phase flow what should be the operating conditions given regarding density? Should that necessarily be of a lighter fluid?
Is it right to interrupt a solution before it could complete the iterations to check the volume fraction through out the model and yet obtain a correct solution?
the density you're setting is likely to be whatever the continuous phase is. so if you have a droplet-laden gas say, it would be the gas density. if you have a liquid + bubbles or + solids, it would be the liquid. but this depends on the model you are using. you should set the density of all of the components of the medium really.

in answer to your 2nd question it depends whether or not your solution is converged. is all of the residuals are low (<1e-3) then the solution is converged. you only keep the simulation running if its transient, if you want better convergence. if your solution if unconverged, then you should not try to extract data from it because the answer can be far away from the correct answer, and can be misleading.
the actual process of interrupting by ctrl+c shouldn't affect the answer.
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